This adventure of 3 days and 2 nights of Ornithology in the lagoon huacarpay, is very interesting the Ornithology, Where we will observed diferents bird endemic species around the lagoon such as canasteros, hummingbirds, hawks, hawks.
Then we will go to Ollantayatambo to continue our observation of ornithology of abra malaga, so the next day we traveled to Abra Málaga to observe different species of birds such as puna tapaculo, hummingbirds and other even more.
We continue our trip by bus very early to observe ornithology and the endemic birds of the area such as Marcapata Spinetail, Cusco Brush Finch, Parodis Hhemispingus, puna thistletail and many birds that migrate from one place to another, . Night in Ollantaytambo.
This day we will start the activity very early to observe other species of birds such as Royal Cinclodes, Puna Tapaculo, Andean Hillstart, Giant Conebill, Stripe headed antpita, then after observing several species of birds we return to Cusco.